With the Launch of Capture One 12 Studio, Capture Pilot has also been updated today to version 2.2.0. One of the new features allows Capture Pilot users to toggle grids, guides, and overlay independently from Capture One server. This function allows other stakeholders who are on set with the photographer to preview the final use of the image with design elements and/or copy dropped in, to make immediate and informed decisions based on those factors.
Capture Pilot without Grid, Guide, or Overlay
Capture Pilot with Overlay
Capture Pilot with Grid
Capture Pilot with Guide
Capture Pilot with Guide, Grid and Overlay
The photographer/digital tech still has control of the types of grid, guide, and overlay from within Capture One; the Capture Pilot users will be able to toggle on or off on what they want to see for whichever images they choose. The photographer/digital tech can also pre-load different copies in order the change the overlay copies on the go based on what the Capture Pilot users want to see.
Combined with the new Guides Tool (exclusive to the Studio version of Capture One) the new features in Capture Pilot provide significant refinement of the on set experience. We are proud to be an official dealer of Capture One Studio, and are glad to arrange a trial and demo of this powerful new version of Capture One.
We will continue to test other functionalities as we move forward, but please feel free to contact DT support team for any questions or comments.